What is a Regenerative Facelift?

Regenerative Liquid Facelift - bionwoRx

Regenerative Facelift

What can a Regenerative Facelift treat?

A Regenerative Facelift is a versatile regenerative medicine treatment that can address many different facial concerns. At bionwoRx, we recommend this treatment to patients who want to address:

  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Wrinkles, fine lines and thinning skin
  • Facial volume loss (tear troughs, hollow temples, deep smile lines
  • Dark spots and pigmentation irregularities
  • Dull skin
  • Facial aging

When will I see results after a Regenerative Facelift?

Patients often start to see changes after their first treatment, but these early changes are subtle. Wait until you’ve completed your full treatment course to see the dramatic transformation that is possible with a Regenerative Facelift at bionwoRx.

Can a Regenerative Facelift replace dermal fillers and other facial treatments?

A Regenerative Facelift offers many of the same benefits that patients experience from dermal fillers and other facial treatments. Some patients choose this treatment instead of fillers while others use it as a complement to their filler treatments.

What to expect from your Regenerative Facelift.

Your treatment will take 30 minutes, depending on the area of the face receiving treatment. Plan on spending a little additional time with us as we prepare the natural biologics and for the numbing cream to take effect.

When your treatment is finished, you can immediately return to work or other daily activities although your face may be slightly red temporarily.

Request a personal consultation.

Other regenerative treatments.

Regenerative Facial

A regenerative facial is a microneedling treatment that activates your body’s natural abilities to repair and heal itself to improve skin tone, texture, quality, and appearance.

Hair Restoration

Regenerative therapies can provide successful treatments for thinning hair without surgery and the complications or contraindications of prescription hair stimulation medications.

Women’s Health

A women’s health treatment that addresses a variety of sexual problems for women, including low libido, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, and urinary incontinence.