Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
A holistic treatment approach to IBS.
Seeking a natural treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? This page covers:
Understanding your condition
What is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic digestive disorder that can cause a range of recurrent symptoms, the most common being diarrhea, constipation (or both), bloating, and abdominal pain. This common condition affects more women than men, and the symptoms can significantly impact all areas of life – limiting work and social activities while causing embarrassment and discomfort.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
A natural treatment for IBS.
Our IBS specialist conducts a thorough health assessment of each patient to understand the underlying causes and factors that might be contributing to their IBS. While IBS presents in the digestive tract, factors outside the system also play a role in triggering and persisting symptoms. This personalized approach allows us to deliver a high rate of success that we’re proud to offer our patients.

Common IBS symptoms.
Are you wondering what irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is and what its symptoms are? Medical practitioners diagnose irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in patients who have experienced two or more of the following symptoms for 3 months or longer:
- Bloating and cramping
- Diarrhea or loose stools
- Urgent bowel movements
- Constipation or dry, irregular bowel movements
- Acid Reflux
- Alternating diarrhea and constipation
- Pain during bowel movements
- Hypersensitivity or visceral pain in the abdominal area
- Migraines or headaches can sometimes accompany other IBS symptoms.
How is IBS diagnosed?
The Rome IV criteria list the symptoms that have been identified. These include:
Recurrent abdominal pain, occurring on average at least 1 day per week over the last 3 months. This pain must be associated with two or more of the following:
- Relation to defecation
- Change in stool frequency
- Change in stool form or appearance
The criteria must have been fulfilled for the last 3 months, with the symptom onset being at least 6 months prior to diagnosis.
When assessing a patient for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), practitioners often consider inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis as well. Unlike IBS, which is typically diagnosed when other conditions have been ruled out, IBDs are characterized by chronic inflammation throughout the digestive tract and are generally diagnosed through endoscopic procedures such as colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. The symptoms of IBS differ significantly from those of IBD.
What are the 5 different types of IBS?
IBS is broken down into 5 major subtypes:
- IBS-C, characterized by constipation
- IBS-D, characterized by diarrhea
- IBS-M, characterized by fluctuations between diarrhea and constipation
- IBS-U, which refers to unspecified or undetermined symptoms that don’t fit the other subtypes
- Post-infectious IBS, which often occurs after an infection or following antibiotic treatment
What causes IBS?
The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) remains unknown, but research suggests it’s likely related to a combination of factors. These include issues with gut-brain communication, stress, diet, and imbalances in gut microbiota.
While the precise causes of IBS are still being investigated, studies have identified that a disturbed microbial makeup, or dysbiosis, is often a characteristic of the condition. Chronic stress, anxiety, and mood disorders are also known to alter digestive function, disrupting the pH of the microbiome, affecting bile acid function, and compromising fat and carbohydrate absorption. These changes can then shift the species, numbers, and diversity of bacteria in the small and large intestines.
In particular, a reduction in short-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria like Roseburia and Eubacterium rectale may contribute to colon inflammation and exacerbate IBS symptoms. Ongoing research aims to further illuminate the complex interplay of factors underlying this common gastrointestinal disorder.
Alongside strong connections to stress and anxiety, other potential physiological causes of digestive issues include parasitic infections, disorders of the gut-brain axis (such as irritable bowel syndrome), low stomach acid, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and intestinal hyperpermeability (also known as “leaky gut”).
Food sensitivities or intolerances, such as to FODMAPs, can also trigger or worsen symptoms. In some cases, increased intestinal permeability can lead to the development of new food intolerances, creating a confusing cycle of worsening symptoms and a growing list of trigger foods that were previously well tolerated.
Other contributing factors.
Allergic reactions and poor histamine clearance can trigger an immune response, further worsening symptoms. As women approach and go through menopause, declining estrogen and progesterone levels reduce the body’s ability to effectively clear histamine released by mast cells in response to allergens. This can lead to more food and environmental allergies (pollen, dust, pet dander, etc.), which in turn can trigger or worsen IBS symptoms.
SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, commonly occurs alongside IBS. In IBS, certain gut microbes like Enterococcus, E. coli, and Klebsiella – which typically reside in the large intestine – have migrated to the small intestine. As a result, both IBS and SIBO can cause a range of shared symptoms, including abdominal pain, bloating, distension, and diarrhea.
Other risk factors that can contribute to IBS include:
- A genetic predisposition
- A suboptimal diet
- Lifestyle behaviors like overusing recreational substances or lacking exercise
- Taking antibiotics
- Experiencing stress, trauma, anxiety, or depression
IBS treatments – the conventional approach.
Once a person is diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the conventional approach involves several steps to manage the condition. First, dietary modifications such as the FODMAP diet can help. Counseling is also recommended to address the gut-brain connection and reduce the effect of stress. Additionally, pharmaceutical treatments may be prescribed to suppress IBS symptoms. These drug therapies can include antispasmodic, antidiarrheal, or laxative medications, though they may cause undesirable side effects like mineral deficiencies or impaired colon function.
More recently, psychological therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) have become popular for improving stress-related IBS symptoms. This multifaceted approach aims to provide comprehensive care for those living with this complex condition.
If left untreated, IBS symptoms can worsen over time. Additionally, avoiding certain food or nutrient groups may lead to malnutrition if not done under the guidance of a nutrition expert. Furthermore, untreated IBS can also result in the development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
Many people with IBS find that their symptoms don’t improve with conventional treatments, partly because the complex underlying factors aren’t well understood in mainstream medicine. Fortunately, functional medicine’s natural approach to IBS has been shown to provide better symptom management and higher quality of life for patients.
IBS testing.
Our functional medicine expert will analyze your test results and detailed case history to uncover the root causes of your IBS. This gives us a clear picture to develop a personalized, effective plan for addressing your digestive concerns.
Your function medicine practitioner may recommend a variety of tests to assess your health, including:
- Evaluating your nutritional status
- Checking for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
- Testing for pathogenic microbes like E. coli, Giardia, Salmonella, or Shigella
- Identifying food sensitivities or intolerances
- Analyzing the health and diversity of your gut microbiome
- Assessing exposure to mold and mycotoxins
- Organic acid testing
- Standard blood work
The BionwoRx functional medicine approach.
Natural treatment for IBS.
At BionwoRx, our mission is to uncover the underlying cause or causes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We then develop personalized treatment strategies focused on resolving these core issues.
Our IBS specialist will conduct a thorough investigation, considering:
- Your personal health history
- History of antibiotic use
- Your family health history and genetic predispositions
- Diagnostic test results (from a functional medicine perspective)
- Current and historical medications
- Other conditions
We’ll guide you through our comprehensive understanding of your unique situation, explaining the latest scientific insights into the factors contributing to your IBS.
IBS treatment strategies.
Your IBS treatment may include a range of science-backed strategies tailored to the factors influencing your condition, ensuring your success. These may include:
- Improving stress resilience through practices like mindfulness and meditation
- Specific dietary or nutritional changes, such as a low histamine, low FODMAP, or gluten-free diet, while adding in nourishing foods like those in the Mediterranean diet, personalized to your case
- Precision antimicrobials, prebiotics, and probiotics targeted to your symptom profile
- Vitamins, amino acids, and mineral supplements to provide necessary cofactors for healing
At BionwoRx, our innovative functional medicine approach is designed to empower and educate you, helping you restore your health. Your functional medicine practitioner will guide you in implementing your customized treatment plan, providing the encouragement and support you need to get well.
What is the best diet for IBS?
The best diet for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) depends on a variety of personal factors. Common trigger foods to avoid often include FODMAPs (certain fruits, veggies, dairy, and wheat), as well as caffeine, alcohol, spicy items, artificial sweeteners, and high-histamine foods.
Before attempting to manage IBS through diet, it’s best to consult a functional medicine specialist. Using a combination of testing, personalized assessment, and IBS-focused analysis, our experts can help determine the root cause of your symptoms and develop a customized health plan to get you feeling better.
How to calm irritable bowel syndrome?
Peppermint, chamomile, and lemon balm can ease cramping and discomfort associated with IBS. Ginger can also help by reducing inflammation and bloating in the digestive tract. You can enjoy these herbs as teas or find them in targeted IBS supplements.
Since stress can trigger IBS flare-ups, deep breathing and meditation can calm the nervous system, which in turn soothes the digestive system. Other stress-relieving techniques, like stimulating the vagus nerve, can provide additional support.
How long do IBS flare-ups last?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) flare-ups can last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the severity and your individual triggers. Typically, the symptoms subside within 2 to 4 days. However, stress, diet, and other factors can prolong the duration. To manage IBS, it’s important to identify your triggers and make lifestyle adjustments.
Can stress cause irritable bowel syndrome?
Chronic stress, whether extreme or mild, can disrupt the delicate balance of our gut microbiome. This disruption alters the pH levels in our gastrointestinal tract, which then determines the number, diversity, and types of microbes that can thrive there.
In turn, this microbial imbalance can affect our brain chemistry, as many of our key neurotransmitters are actually produced by the bacteria in our gut. This creates a vicious cycle, where the disrupted microbiome contributes to how we manage stress, which then further upsets the delicate microbial ecosystem.
Interestingly, stress, mood disorders, and anxiety can also directly impact the specific species of microbes in the gut. This microbial shift can then trigger inflammation, as the altered gut bacteria release chemical messengers called cytokines. The inflammation can change how quickly food moves through the bowels, leading to issues like bloating, reflux, and increased sensitivity and pain in the abdomen – all common symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
By understanding the intricate connection between our gut, brain, and stress response, we can start to see how maintaining a healthy, diverse microbiome is crucial for both our physical and mental wellbeing. Making lifestyle choices that support digestive health, like managing stress and eating probiotic-rich foods, can go a long way in breaking this vicious cycle.